To stay up to date on all ESD and PPD events, make a point to join, like or friend these people or groups on Facebook...

Empire State Darts
Extreme-Team Remote Leagues
DartsToC on Facebook
DartsToC Event Page on Facebook
Jim Turntine
Beth Fox
Kayla Spurgeon
Nola Trotter Dearing

Remote leagues via the internet. Play teams from all over the country. 30+ leagues waiting for you to register and play! You msut register through the PPD player portal.
Check out this video to help you get started.

Lady Bligh
Participating In PPD Remote Leagues will allow you to establish stats eligible for the Lady Bligh Monthly Triples Tournaments. Triple Elimination, bracketed based on ability, and $500 added to every bracket!

Partners Promoting Darts. What is the big deal?

Simply put, it is a network of amusement operators, banded together to help create the largest darting event on the continent known as the Tournament of Champions. There are remote leagues and tournaments offered at many levels for new players and seasoned pros alike. This guide will detail what is required to be eligble to participate in the leagues and events they offer.

For a complete list of rules, visit the DartsToC website at

A few things to get out of the way before you start...
The leagues and tournaments mentioned below are played remotely against people from across town, or across the country using the Arachnid Galaxy 3 dartboard's Remote Play feature. PPD is accesible exclusively through amusement operators with Associate or Full Membership.

There are two point systems used to reward players for participation as well as results. The Dart Calendar Year for both point systems is from July 15th - July 14th

The amusement operator uses a point system to determine who earns a voucher to attend the ToC in October each year based on their level of membership. Points can be earned by playing in local as well as remote leagues and tournaments. Points can also be earned for player referrals, and helping to promote leagues on both the local and remote level as a player/promoter. Players of any ability have the opportunity to earn a voucher.

Points Awarded
4 Player Hcap 2 Pts Per Match
4 Player Open 1 Pt Per Match
3 Player Hcap 1.5 Pts Per Match
3 Player Open .75 Pts Per Match
2 Player Hcap 1 Pts Per Match
2 Player Open .50 Pts Per Match
SBT Participant 5 Pts Per Event - 75 Max
SBT Winner/Highest Female 2 Pts Per Event
Recruit New Player 5 Pts Per Player
Remote League Promoter 6-12 Pts Per Session
Local Promotion Assistant 1 Pt Per Event

For more info on how to earn additional points for promoting remote leagues, please read this
Guide To Promoting Remote Leagues put together by the PPD staff

PPD uses a seperate point system for people to earn cash and prizes, as well as entry into events like the Mixed Doubles Invitational, and the events at the ToC.

Before you are able to particpate in any PPD events...
You must have a Facebook account with a facial picture in your profile.
It is recommended you use Paypal to pay towards events or receive winnings promptly.
You must have a Player Portal account set up through the PPD website.

Below are your requriements for eligibiliity for the following leagues and events. The link to the ESD-PPD Qualifications is a PDF file that will cover the majority of events that ESD and PPD cover.

VERY IMPORTANT - ESD-PPD Qualifications Worksheet


Requirements to particpate are...
Facebook Account with Facial photo
Paypal account is the preferred method to send and receive payments
Proof of prior averages may be required
Dues per person are $13 for Doubles, $11 for Triples, and $10 for Quads
Dues include cost of games.
Complete list of rules and procedures for Extreme-Team Leagues


By particpating in the Extreme -Team Remote leagues, the stats you earn will be used to bracket you. These stats are calculated into what is called a "PR" or Player Ranking. This is calculated by muliplying your Marks Per Round (MPR) by your Points Per Dart (PPD). For example if you have a MPR of 2.25 and a PPD of 21.50, you would have a CPR of 48.375. These stats will be tracked on the PPD website. You can view this page by clicking on this link, and selecting the amusement company you play under from the drop down box.

These are Open (Non Handicap) Triples tournaments, with multiple levels called "Caps". These Caps are determined once registration has closed for that month's tournament.Teams are allowed a total of 330 CPR (Combined Player Rating) at the time of registration. All teams are placed in Triple Elimination brackets of 16 with byes if necessary.

Requirements to particicpate are...
Must be a current Extreme-Team remote league player in an active league
Must have a minimum of 24 games of Cricket AND 24 games of '01 within 4 weeks of the date of registration
If you possess the minimum stats, other stats may be required as proof of average
Payment of $75 per team entry fee
Must take team photo to be sent to Tournament Staff per instructions

The Extreme-Team Leagues, and the Lady Bligh Monthly Tournaments are available to players of amusement operators of any membership level (Associate or Full). These leagues and tournaments are for your enjoyment, and if will provide plenty of fair competition for those who are not interested in attending the Tournament of Champions.


The All Star Series is the next level. These events are part of the Tournament of Champions held in Kansas City, MO every October. The Mixed Doubles Invitational will have three flights...

Gold Flight is a $50,000 event and is for players from Full Member operators.
Silver Flight is a $10,000 event and is for players from Full and Level 2 Associate Member operators.
Bronze Flight is a $5,000 event and is for players from Full and Level 2 Associate Member operators.

The top 200 eligible players of the All Star Rank List may enter into this event. Your ranking depends on your best 3 results from the Lady Bligh Tournaments as well how frequently you participate.

The Mixed Doubles Invitational ranking list can be viewed here.